Monday, December 17, 2007

This is only the beginning

I had real fun. I found out a lot of information that I have been using at the job. Since I became the Customer Service Specialist I found out that I have to give a computer class and all of the information that I have received from 2.0 have helped in such a great way. It also helped me with my regular customers that ask me for good books that they want to read. When I'm at work or home I can read all of the news in one place instead of going from site to site. I did stop for a wile because with the new position and the classes that I was teaching I fell behind, but I received encouragement from my coworkers and my branch manager and I have returned to finish the job. I feel so good that I have accomplished this task. I would do it all over again. but keep my post much shorter. :) I look forward to the next set of 2.0 things to do.


You know that I realy didn't know that we offered digital books, videos, music and audiobooks through the eMedia center. I saw a couple of things that I wanted to download. I will have to try it at home when I have the time.

Podcasts and Smodcasts

I found out that they had Shakespeare pods. I thought that it was cool. I know that might sound kind of bazaar that a Young girl that has been out of school for more than 10 years likes Shakespeare but I do. I added it to my "blog lines" so that way I can go back on from time to time and listen to it.

I tube, You tube

I am not realy a big you tuber but I found this one video that I though was nice so here it is:

Discovering web 2.0 tools

This homework was the easiest by far. I love Library thing! I love that fact that you can keep a list of all the books that you have read. I read so many books that some times I find that I re read books. The only dislike was that you can't do it from work and use the scanner.:( The most useful feature of this site was that all you had to do is put in the UPS bar code number and the book popped right up in your library. (tittle,author and picture of the book)
I could see this very useful in many branches. I use it in my own branch right now. I have some of my regular customers that read the same genre of books that I read so when they ask me what books have I read all I have to do is go to "My Library" and print them a copy of it. They love it and most of the books we carry right in my own branch.

Having a good time

Well, I thought that this homework was going to be hard, but come to find out that it was rather easy. Since I gave a Google account I thought that I might as well go and try Google Docs. I couldn't believe it that you can actuality do a spreadsheet, a regular Document or a power point presentation on Google docs and have it looked at by others for there feed back. HOW COOL! I have been working on a book (off and on) for the past 3 years and I thing that I will be posting it and seeing what feedback I will get in return.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I have a face book account but I like my space better. I have found some of my old high school friends, that was cool. I also can connect with my family that are in different locations across the world. But the thing is that I do it on My space because not many of them have my space.


I have come to find out the wikipedia is very useful in and out of the job. There are times that the children at the library are looking for research on different things and my kids are the same. Just for fun I looked up the Muppet's and found out when they were mad and when the joined sesame street. ( WOW I'm old):)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

On library 2.0

Library 2.0 Service for the next-generation library

The great thing about LIbrary Thing 2.0 is that our libraries are right on track. Thanks to Tom Galante we are right in the mix of things that are to come. I just hope that we will be of use in the future. :)

Michael Stephens explains on ALA TechSource, “As we reach out to users, we must remember all of the folks we serve.”

Stephens believes that “Library 2.0 will be a meeting place, online or in the physical world, where [library users'] needs will be fulfilled through entertainment, information, and the ability to create [their] own stuff to contribute to the ocean of content out there.”
I agree with Steven one hundred precent.

This ardical was very informative and inlighting. I feel good to know that we ( Queens Library) is on the right track.

Gettin not-so-technical with technorati

This setup was just as easy as the Library 2.0 setup. I'm so proud of myself. I thought that it was going to be hard.
Technorati Profile

I'm Tagging

This was rather easy. I already have a account and it is on the blog. Like I said in a earlier post I don't do much reference but it was very informative. A lot of people have interesting tags on the blogs.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Rollo your own search engine

I made a Rollo search engine, but as a CSSP I really don't need to have a lot of reference sites. so what I did was just put in the ones that I like and frequent.
The experience was... Interesting to say the least. I had a lot of trouble with this assignment. but here there are:

Music Sites
Online Shopping
Food and Dining
Nintendo Cheats
Women's Health
Top News
Tech News
Parenting Sites

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Library Thing

I started to input my catalog. It was very easy. But I have alot of books at home that I will be able to put in when I get there. but here is a little sneak peak.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Playing Around with Image Generators

I found a Image Generator where I can make myself into a M&M. It was so cool. I had fun doing it. So, here I am...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Feeding Frenzy

This was my homework for this week. We have been exploring "bloglines" and this is what we had to do:

Discovery Exercise:
1) Explore some of the search tools noted above that can help you locate some news feeds.
2) Create a blog post about your experience. Don't know what to blog about? Here some questions to think about ...

a) Which method of finding feeds did you find easiest to use?
b) Which Search tool was the easiest for you?
c) Which was more confusing?
d) What kind of useful feeds did you find in your travels?
Or what kind of unusual ones did you find?
e) What other tools or ways did you find to locate news feeds?

Here are my results to the questions that were given to us:

1) When you first get your account, they give you a list that you can chose from and this method was by far the best and easiest thing to do.
2) Regarding the search tool's; I didn't like most of them. They all seem to have something to do with celebrities. Now don't get me wrong, I like to know what they are up to but not all the time.
3) The most confusing was "feedster". If you just wanted to look around to get a feel of the site, you had to put in a subject. I really didn't have a subject I wanted to play with it.
4) The most useful feeds were the feeds that I received when I applied to the site. And the most nusual feed that I found (not really unusual, just uninteresting) was The African-American Forum. Now don't get me wrong - it seemed nice enough but the things that they were talking about, My goodness!!! Example: "ghetto gaggers, nude pics of the baddog? Really people, come on!!! Can't we find something more intellectual to talk about?
5) Regarding news feeds: the ones right on bloglines were the best ones. You could get any news feeds from all over the world. I really liked the ones that you can get from England. I love to get news from the BBC (just to see what is going on over there!)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Branch Trading Card

Since I had the time today I decieded to try the Trading card maker that you mentchoned.I did one of my branch. I had fun!! I hope that some of our other "classmates" try this out. ;)

Home work (flickr)

This "Homework" assignment took me a longer time to complete because there are so many things going on at my branch that I really haven't had the time to do it. With the new QL Chat, and the new duties that I have just been given I am pulling my hair out.;) (not really. I think I'm good under pressure).
Anyway here is my photos of my branch. I hope you all enjoy them and come and see me some time.:)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Thoughts

I think that the online tutorial was very insightful. I gave me a lot to think about regarding what I would like to get out of this experience.
The habit's that I think are going to be the easiest for me will most likely be #2, #5 and #71/2. The most difficult habit's are going to be #6.
I feel that I am very competent in maneuvering around the Internet but I am not an expert. But like in habit #2 and #3, I WILL accept the responsibility for my own learning and view my problem as challenges.
I know I will have fun in the process.